Waiting sucks. Or, so it seems. I hate it! Or, so it seems. I always have the best intentions, or so it seems, so why can't I have it Now??
Take this blog, for example. I had the best intentions to post weekly. And then, delay, delay, delay. Life got in the way, as they say. It didn't really. Life is what we're here to experience so it never gets "in the way", but it does often delay the best laid plans. And that's OK. We can learn from that. We can ask ourselves questions such as, What is happening in this delay? What can I learn from it?
In this case, it's that I had people and things to attend to before I could proceed.in this space. I would rather be writing sometimes, but it's the people and things that show up that I needed to pay attention to. And, they came with some great lessons that I would've otherwise missed. I now have more experience, empathy, and wisdom than I had before, and can continue this journey from a better perspective than I had before.
One of the things I've been learning about in this pause is Control. Good gracious, have I ever mastered how to be a control freak! Now, I'm learning how to unlearn that. I'll write more about that later. For now, let's just say that it's one more thing I'm taking for the team. As I release my control, and send that vibe out there in my daily life, I'm affecting the whole. As I learn to accept > Trust the Process< I experience more synchronicities and positive flow, and that spreads out like the proverbial ripples in the pond.
Delay is good. Delay helps us grow in ways we don't immediately see. Delay is a lesson. Can't find your car keys? There's a reason for that. Stopped by a train? There's a lesson in that. Can't get everything you want right now? There may be infinite reasons and lessons in that.
How do you choose to see delays? Would you rather be Veruca Salt or an enlightened individual? I'd rather be Veruca sometimes, but much more so, I don't want to travel through this experience being salty so I'm going to try harder to love my delays and be thankful for them.
