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Writer: The Aethereal RealmThe Aethereal Realm

noun - the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.

Synchronicity has been off the charts lately! Have you also noticed this?

I woke up early this morning, before sunrise, and stepped outside with a cup of coffee to gaze at the morning stars. One bird began it's morning song and was soon followed by a few more, slowly building to a chorus of chirps and avian melodies. The sky was black, but crystal clear. Stars and planets dotted the sky like tiny diamonds. Three of them in particular, in the south-west quadrant, stood out to me. I went inside and checked my sky app. I had been gazing at Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn, and Mars.

A sense of wonder and awe fills me when I look up into the vast endless cosmos. Some say it makes them feel small, but it has the opposite effect on me. I feel large... larger than what my "normal" senses feel. I feel a connection with all that exists; a spiritual connection that arises from deep within and reaches out to encompass the unseeable beyond the veil.

I sat down on the sofa and checked social media to see what had transpired overnight and chuckled audibly at a couple of posts on Twitter. The first post was about a subject my daughter and I had been discussing just 2 hours before my friend posted his tweet. I commented "Sync!" and told him of our earlier conversation. I scrolled down to the next post and it was a quote from Bashar about synchronicity. I then went into the kitchen for another cup of coffee and glanced at the clock on the stove. It was 5:55 a.m.

One of the many positive aspects of social media sharing is that it allows us to see that we are not alone in our experiences. Through these connections, we are becoming more and more aware of belonging to a collective. We no longer need to feel isolated in our beliefs and perceptions, and it can challenge us to question these things, opening our minds to a wider view of the world. One growing trend that I've noticed over the years is that even die hard skeptics are beginning to share their paranormal experiences, and are questioning the status quo explanations for things like deja vu and synchronicity. It also allows us to have even more synchronistic events in our lives as we're no longer confined to our little corner of the world but instantly connected to the global community. We can see first hand that this phenomena is in every culture world wide.

Those of us familiar with the Law of Attraction can attest that what we focus on we receive. As we become more aware of synchronicity, we are presented with more synchronistic events. Repeating numbers seems to be the most common, and most accepted, occurrence at this point in our timeline followed closely by the example I gave of shared thoughts and words.

So, what exactly is happening? Some still pass it off as mere co-incidence. (Spoiler alert: Co-incidence doesn't exist. Everything happens for a reason.) My own experiences have taught me that they are signs to be paid attention to. Every synchronicity holds a message for me that is mine to discover. The clues are often found in what I had just been thinking about, either consciously through internal dialogue or in those fleeting thoughts that pass by in the flash of the moment. Sometimes, they're letting me know that I'm on the right path and to keep going in that direction; to follow through on the thought or idea I just had. Other times, I sense that it was a pat on the back for having just done something that was for my higher good, even if I wasn't aware that that's what I was doing at the time and took my actions to be mundane. A cosmic high five, if you will. Still, there are other times when I'm stymied and will take it to be a hello from family or friends who have crossed over.

Whatever reason we assign to this fascinating phenomena, we can be sure that it is not accidental, and that synchronicity is one of the many paranormal events we experience in our 3D incarnations that can bring us greater knowledge of our true being. It's also just plain fun! ☺




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